The Great War and the development of mountaineering in the area of Julian Alps. A documentary
Here is a recommentation of a fascinating documentary about the development of mountaineering just before, during and after the Great War in the area of the Julian Alps, between Eastern Italy and Slovenia. The film comes in four languages (Italian, Slovenian, German and the local language of Friuli region) and examines the meeting point (and sometimes also the contrasts) between the alpinist movement's rise and the pivotal ridge represented by the Great War, dwelling on that particular war inside the war represented by battles in the Alps. We mentioned the contrasts between alpine pioneers and the army chain of command because, especially in the Italian army, the strife between the higher ranks and their alpine consultants were strong and harsh.
The outstanding figures of Vladimiro Dougan, Osvaldo Pesamosca and, above all, Julius Kugy are the main characters of this documentary that gives a new overview on this part of the front also thanks to accurate interviews with experts (historians, alpine guides). The pioneering stage of mountaineering in the Julian Alps bumped against the war's outbreak in 1915, with Italy entering the war, and became basic know-how for all belligerent armies. At the end of the war, all was ready to catapult these Alps in the dangerous grinder of nature and history tourism.
Vie di Pace | Viis di Pâs | Poti miru | Wege des Friedens DVD length: 38' Written by Sergio Beltrame and Samantha Faccio Directed by Samantha Faccio A production by Videomante and Officina Immagini Historical consultancy: Davide Tonazzi and Bruno Marcuzzo