Sidney Sonnino |
Sidney Sonnino portrayed here beside was the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs during the First World War, and also the Italian representative at the Peace Conference of Paris in 1919. He is therefore a key figure to understand Italian diplomacy of that time. We presume there will be enough space also for him at the upcoming exhibition opening the next 14th of January in Brussels at the Italian Cultural Institute, result of the cooperation between the staff of the Italian Foreign Affairs ministry, professor Italo Garzia and the Historic Archive of the office of the President of the Italian Republic. As far as we can understand from the first news, this exhibition deepens the origins, the developments and the results of the diplomacy initiatives "along three thematic and chronological axes". As we read in the news the exhibition tries to follow "the origins (Italian diplomacy hinging on the principle of nationality
and territorial security), the war (wartime diplomacy and propaganda),
and peace (diplomacy of peace)." A special attention has been put on the virtual part of the itinerary, thanks to "exceptional iconographic sources from the office of
the President of the Republic on the King, Italy's foreign policy and
the Red Cross's Ospedale Palace".
Italy and the Great War diplomacy
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Rue de Livourne 38, 1000 Brussels
Tel. 02/533.27.20
(it is necessary to book your visit in advance)