b#side war festival presents:
lands of memory
international contemporary artists
revealing war legacies
vernissage invitation:
October, the 6th 2016 - Battlefield Museum in Vittorio Veneto (Italy) - 6 pm
(the exhibition will run until October, 25)
An initiative by:
Museo della Battaglia Vittorio Veneto
CEDOS Grande Guerra
Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
Council of
Europe/Conseil de l'Europe
Centenario Prima Guerra Mondiale 2014/2018
War Museum
National WWI Museum and Memorial
In Flanders
Fields Museum
images of the war time with contemporary works of art, opposed and united by
the represented subject, the legacies of the First World War emerge,
enlightening the places that were most intense battlefields. The exhibition
shows how these territories have assimilated the tragic events of the War,
consciously or unconsciously: the landscape, its natural elements and material
objects (both organic and anthropized), have absorbed the grief. Burying and
incorporating remains and memories, the soil have became an authentic physical
body of the conflicts memory. The symbology of the natural elements is
developed by contemporary artists in videos and installations, in a kind of
prophetic way, not necessarily reassuring, decreeing the protagonism of the
soil’s organicity, which is evoked as an element of protection and survival,
but also of concealment and suffocation.
Artists: Ilisie Remus, Claudio Beorchia, Nathalie Vanheule, Jane Glynn, Gordon Belray, Victoria Lucas, Cosima Montavoci, Luca Terenzi.
Artists: Ilisie Remus, Claudio Beorchia, Nathalie Vanheule, Jane Glynn, Gordon Belray, Victoria Lucas, Cosima Montavoci, Luca Terenzi.
Fur further information: