"Pavane for Antigone", a performance in Ljubljana to mark 100 years since the outbreak of First World War

"Pavane for Antigone is a kaleidoscope of intimate artistic confessions expressing the longing of modern man for peace with one’s self and the world, for the ending of social discord and perpetual conflict that have all but exhausted humanity." We just wanted to give evidence to this premiere. We are working to offer you in the next days an interview with the director Hanna Preuss. The performance marks 100 years since the First World War.

Sonorous Theatre of Hanna Preuss:
Sonorous Art Centre Vodnik Manor, Upper Hall (Click for location)
Premiere: Monday 28 July at 21.00 hours
Reprises: Tuesday 29 July at 19.00 and 21.00 hours
www.mojekarte.si (or on site during office hours and one hour before each performance)
Information and personal reservations: info@vodnikova-domacija.si
Price of admission: 12 EUR, *7 EUR (children, students, pensioners, unemployed)

Through the universal aesthetics of sound and light, the Sonorous theatre transcends the boundaries of language.

Original concept and soundscape: Hanna Preuss
Poetry and acting: Antonella Bukovaz
Saxophone: Antonio della Marina
Video: Hanna Slak
Motiongraphy: Luka Umek
Lighting: Jaka Šimenc
Set design: Tomaž Primožič
Costume: Jožica Trstenjak
Sound engineering: Markus Krohn
Head technician: Marko Trstenjak
Technical assistance: Domen Bertoncelj
Graphic design: Jaro Jelovac
Photography: Nada Žgank
Translations: Jeremi Slak
Public relations: Marko Ipavec
Organization: Nadja Šimnovec
Executive producer: Marko Ipavec
Produced by Hanna’s Atelier for Sonorous Arts