Italian Great War Museums #8: Museo storico e naturalistico della Grande Guerra 15-18 in Maserada sul Piave

Military units from nations allied with Italy were involved in operations along the River Piave. The British Expeditionary Force played a decisive part in actions during the crucial stages of the final battle, known as “Battaglia di Vittorio Veneto” or “Third Battle of the river Piave”. The Great War Museum of Maserada sul Piave, a municipality lying just in the middle course of the Piave river, between the Montello hill and the river mouth, hosts an interesting collection of relics found in different times from the river banks and surrounding areas, especially after the floods. The collections focus on the history and material relating to troops of the British Seventh Division but visitors can find here a valuable part dedicated to the Austro-Hungarian army and equipment (the below stuff in the pictures was all found on the bed of the river Piave, in the area of a small village called Salettuol).

Italian helmet mod. Adrian
6.5 cartridge set for Italian machine gun mod. Fiat 14
Trunk used to carry cartridges for Schwarzlose machine gun
Sanitary stuff
The light British Lewis machine gun

Museo storico e naturalistico della Grande Guerra 15-18
Viale Caccianiga, 62
Maserada sul Piave - Treviso - Italy -
T. +39 340 1486936 (curator: Giuliano Bottani)