The exhibition "I Romeni e la Grande Guerra" (The Romanians and the Great War) in Cremona

Cremona, Palazzo Comunale
Starting from last Thursday and up to the 25 of October people travelling in Italy, and in particular in the North of the country, will have the chance to visit the exhibition dedicated to Romanian contribution during the Great War years. This event, designed and planned by "Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia", "Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento Italiano di Cremona e Lodi", "Centro Incontri Diplomatici – Cremona, Museo Nazionale di Storia della Romania", "Archivio Nazionale della Romania e l’Università Babeș–Bolyai di Cluj-Napoca" is now hosted in the nice city of Cremona (close to Milan) and displays more than forty boards that frame the conflict of approximately half a million soldiers from Bessarabia, Bukovina, Transylvania and from the Kingdom of Romania (that entered the war in the summer of 1916). Here is a quick overview and recap about Romania during World War I while here is an interesting slideshow about this exhibition.

"I Romeni e la Grande Guerra" (The Romanians and the Great War)
Palazzo Comunale - Salone degli Alabardieri
Piazza del Comune, 8
Cremona - Italy
8-25 ottobre 2015 - Free entrance
info and booking:

Event in cooperation with "Comune di Cremona" and with the support of "Ambasciata di Romania nella Repubblica Italiana", "Consolato Generale di Romania a Milano", "Regione Lombardia", "Provincia di Cremona" and "Comune di Cremona".