The international conference "Refugees/Asylum-Seekers. The displacement of civilian populations in Europe during the First World War" in Rovereto (Italy)

Serbian refugees
As we all know the theme of refugees and asylum seekers is nowadays a topical issue. We already dedicated an interview to Italian refugees during the First World War (here you can read that interview). But we need to broaden our horizon and this is why it really makes sense to point out the upcoming event of this week. The War Museum in Rovereto (Trentino, Italy) organizes an interesting international conference with the title of "Refugees/Asylum-Seekers. The displacement of civilian populations in Europe during the First World War. The roots of a contemporary problem". The conference will held in Rovereto (Trento province) from 4 to 6 November 2015 in the Conference Room of the MART - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.


International convention
4-6 November 2015
Rovereto (TN - Italy)

Organized by
Università degli Studi di Trento
Museo Storico  Italiano della Guerra
Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino
Laboratorio di storia di Rovereto
Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati
Fondazione Bruno Kessler

With the support of
Provincia autonoma di Trento
Comune di Rovereto

During the First World War more than 10 million civilians were forced to leave their homes under army pressure and the threat of bombing. They lived in extreme poverty for years with little legal protection, suffering xenophobia, violence and abuse.
A hundred years after the conflict, the scenario has barely changed. The masses of refugees besieging the borders in our globalised world demonstrate how close wars are and how refugees face extreme conditions that have endured for a century.

These themes will be discussed in an international conference that will take place in Rovereto (province of Trentino, Italy) between 4th and 6th November 2015 (working languages are English and Italian, with simultaneous translation). The conference aims to offer an opportunity to meet historians who have intensively worked on single case studies and share their research results. At the same time, we cannot forget that during the twentieth century till now the civilians have been more and more involved in every kind of conflicts, as is testified by millions of women, children and men gathered in refugee camps all over the world.
The Conference will also offer an opportunity to reflect on the conditions of the refugees along the last century. A particular attention will be focused on the figure of the refugee (in the session held on 6th November), who is, on one side, protected by international agreements, on other side, exposed to constant risks. The complete programme is available at this link.

Beside of that, a new exhibition will start the same days in Palazzo Alberti Poja, inside the civic museum of Rovereto. The title is "The Displaced: Refugees, Flüchtlinge, Uprchlíci 1914-1919". Further information (in English) is available here.

Venue of the conference:
MART Conference Room
Corso Bettini 43
Rovereto - Italy

Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra
via Castelbarco 7, Rovereto TN - Italy
+39 0464 438100