World War One maps of Italy: a new majestic work soon available
A new majestic work edited by Aldino Bondesan (University of Padua) and Mauro Scroccaro (historian) will be soon available. The title is Cartografia militare della Prima Guerra Mondiale. Cadore, altopiani e Piave nelle carte topografiche austro-ungariche e italiane dell'Archivio di Stato di Firenze (Padova, Antiga Edizioni, 2017) and will become for sure a new starting point for all the researches on the Italy front of World War One.
This impressive work collects and reproduces almost 250 war maps. Most of these maps are Austro-Hungarian and give us a clear view of the Italian war front between 1915 and 1918. The achievement was possible thanks to the cooperation of Marco Polo System, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Antiga Edizioni, Università di Padova and Regione del Veneto.
In the coming weeks we really hope to offer you more contents about this.